Friday, January 9, 2015

Thunder up!

For as long as I can remember (since 10th grade I think), we have always had a big party at my parents on Christmas Eve Eve (the 23rd) for friends and family. This was the first year we did not do it, because my mom broke her foot and couldn't drive and our days were so limited we decided not to spend two days preparing for the party and rather just enjoying being together. So, instead of the party, we got suite tickets to the Thunder game! We had so much fun! 

What is hotter than a guy rocking a diaper bag and holding his little girls hand? 

She loved watching all the action...

What?! There's a dessert cart!? (She is SO my child).

I'll take one of each please. 

Best family pic we could get - she was so tired at this point! the game went into overtime and it was 11pm before we got out of there, but she did so good! 

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