Wednesday, January 4, 2012


What a wonderful holiday it was! We woke up on the 24th at my parents and had Christmas with them. We got lots of wonderful gifts, had a nice breakfast and then got to do some relaxing, which was so nice!

Christmas Eve was spent at my Grandma Robinson's, where we had a wonderful dinner and were spoiled with more great gifts. We then headed to Jeff's Mom's house and stayed up way to late wrapping presents last minute!

Christmas morning we woke up had opened our stockings, and waited for Gina and her family to arrive. Then it was time for breakfast and presents. It was so fun watching the kids open their presents and see how excited they were. Santa brought me a gift in a little blue box -- a necklace with a cupcake charm. It's adorable and I love it!

Then that afternoon we headed to my Aunt Susie's for a delicious Christmas dinner and then we did our first annual white elephant gift exchange. It was a new tradition as the family is just getting too big for everyone to buy gifts for everyone. My Grandma passed away on the 1st so it was a bittersweet day. It was wonderful getting together, but we sure missed Grandma. However, Susie did a great job hosting everyone and making a delicious dinner!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Great pics!! Love the ones of Mira with her doll house! Too bad we didn't get a pic of the man doll sitting on the potty. :)